Apogee Thermopile Pyranometers与A类(二级标准)型号


Apogee Thermopille Pyranomets.



有多种比色仪选项可用于全球水平和阵列短波辐照度测量。一些太阳能电力装置需要ISO类A(以前称为“二级标准”)哒朗计,但不可能使用B类或C类比克计(以前称为第一或第二类),或硅细胞比仪。硅 - 细胞颤动计的优点成本低,但它们对所有太阳波长不敏感。硅的仅敏感350至1100nm,因此,硅 - 细胞焦点计子样本太阳能光谱。这导致太阳频谱变化时的光谱误差。第一和第二级Pyranometers的优点是对所有太阳波长的敏感性,最小化光谱误差,但它们的成本更高。



一对一的情节Cla的太阳辐射测量ss A (secondary standard) versus Apogee thermopile pyranometers.


国际标准组织(ISO)和世界气象组织(WMO)根据一套标准规格分类了焦点计。将Apogee SP-510绘制仪的规格与这些规格(如下)进行比较,并且通过直接比较来自七个复制的SP-510焦点计数的全局短波辐照度测量来评估SP-510的一些规范,以表示计算的全局短波辐照度从四个二级标准粘膜计的测量

ApoGee SP-510热电堆仪的规格与ASO-9060规范(辅助标准),B类(第一类)和C类Pyranometers相比。SP-510的一些规范进行了分类数据(在规范旁边列出了对表或图形的引用)。


B类(头等舱) Class C (Second Class) apogee.SP-510(c类)
Response time (95 %) <10秒 <20秒 < 30 s 0.5秒
Zero Offset A Due to 200 W m-2net thermal radiation (ventilated) ±7 w m-2 ± 15 W m-2 ±30 w m-2 8 W M.-2(unheated)
零偏移B响应5 k小时-1change in ambient temperature ± 2 W m-2 ±4 w m-2 ±8 w m-2 ±5 w m-2
每年稳定变化(全规模百分比) ±0.8% ± 1.5 % ±3% ±2%
Linearity ±0.5% ±1% ±3% ±1%
定向响应(最多90° ±10 w m-2 ± 20 W m-2 ±30 w m-2 ± 20 W m-2
Deviation due to temperature change within an interval of 50 K 2% 4.% 8% 5.% (-15 to 45 C)
Tilt Response 0.5% 2% 5.% 1%
Uncertainty, hourly totals (95 % confidence level) 3.% 8% 20 % 8%
不确定性,每日总计(95%的置信水平) 2% 5.% 10% 5.%
光谱范围 3.00 ‐ 3000 nm 3.00 ‐ 3000 nm 3.00 ‐ 3000 nm 385 - 2105 nm
解析度 1 W M.-2 5 W M.-2 10 W m-2 <1 W m-2


将七复制的Apogee SP-510热电大学计是与犹他州洛根的屋顶屋顶上的四个二级标准粘膜仪的平均值进行比较两年。在过去两年内,在国家可再生能源实验室(NREL)校准了四次二级标准焦点计。每20秒用坎贝尔科学CR1000数据记录器进行每二十秒进行测量,每十五分钟输出平均值。


Four secondary standard pyranometers mounted on the rooftop of the Apogee building in Logan, Utah. Mean global shortwave irradiance from these sensors was used as a reference. The SP-510 and SP-610 pyranometers are mounted on the stands behind the Class A (secondary standard) pyranometers.


通过使用加热器从SP-510千克仪计算的平均短波辐照度来确定夜间热偏移,并将加热器断开,并打开加热器的SP-510 Pyranometer。当由四个二级标准粘膜计计算的平均短波辐照度小于0时,它被认为是夜间辐照度小于0 W m-2

Nighttime thermal offset [W m-2]对于具有加热器的SP-510热电堆仪,关闭和加热器的SP-510接通。

Heater Status 夜间热偏移[w m-2]*
Off -1.3±2.5

*Nighttime thermal offset is shortwave irradiance measured at night. Net longwave irradiance at night is variable and depends on atmospheric conditions (for example, humidity, cloudiness). Nighttime thermal offsets listed are mean values plus or minus two standard deviations around the means from seven months of fifteen minute data. Mean net longwave irradiance during the seven months was -56 ± 30 W m-2(two standard deviations), with a range of -131 to 3 W m-2。Zero offset A is the thermal offset when the net longwave irradiance is -200 W m-2。Nighttime thermal offset and Zero offset A should be equal if the nighttime net longwave irradiance were -200 W m-2


Long-term stability was determined by direct comparison of seven prototype SP-510 thermopile pyranometers to the mean of the four Class A (secondary standard) pyranometers on rooftop of the Apogee building. Drift was calculated as the relative change over a one year interval [% yr-1]。漂移连续五年计算。


复制 Drift [% yr-1]*
1 -0.4
2 0.8
3. 0.5
4. 1.0
5. -0.9
6. -0.7
7. 0.4

*Drift listed is the largest value from a single year out of five years for each pyranometer. Pyranometers were deployed on the rooftop of the Apogee building continuously for five years. Drift was calculated on an individual year basis because the reference pyranometers were periodically recalibrated (two of the four were calibrated each summer). Calibration changes of the reference pyranometers make drift calculation for the entire five year interval difficult.



SP-510directional response graph

SP-510的差异[%]从四类A(次级标准)(参考)颤音计的平均值作为太阳天顶角的函数。黑线是AM和PM的平均值。绿色和橙色线是B类(第一类)的规格的估计(±20 w m-2c)和c类(第二类)(±30 w m-2)Pyranomets分别作为太阳天顶角的函数。





Shortwave irradiance measurements from anSP-510and anSP-110.将绘制仪与可变天空条件下的四级(次级标准)粘膜计的平均值进行比较,以提供光谱误差的指示。

十天(9月20日至29日,第263-272天)全球短波辐照时间序列[W M-2] from the mean of four Class A (secondary standard) (reference) pyranometers, anSP-510热电堆比大山仪, 和SP-110硅 - 细胞比朗仪(top graph). Differences [%] from the Class A (secondary standard) (reference) daily total for each day are listed. The first five days in the time series were partly cloudy to cloudy (there was light rain in the morning on day 267, so pyranometers may have been wet) and the last five days were mostly sunny to sunny. Differences [%] of the SP-510 and SP-110 from the mean of four secondary standard (reference) pyranometers (bottom graph). While the errors shown for cloudy and overcast conditions were from an SP-110 silicon-cell pyranometer, they are common to all silicon-cell pyranometers.

Differences [%] of an SP-510 thermopile pyranometer and an SP-110 silicon-cell from the mean of the four Class A (secondary standard) (reference) pyranometers as a function of cloudiness. Black lines are bin averages. The variable SWi / SWic is the ratio of measured global shortwave irradiance [W m-2]透明天空全球短波辐照度[W M.-2] calculated from a model, and serves as a cloudiness index. Values of SWi / SWic near one indicate clear sky and values near zero indicate overcast sky. The predicted error values listed on each graph were calculated from the spectral response for each sensor and a solar spectrum for overcast conditions, assuming the pyranometers were calibrated under clear sky conditions.


  • Specifications for the SP-510 pyranometer compare favorably to ISO Class B (first class) and meet Class C (second class) specifications.
  • Evaluation of SP-510 by direct comparison the mean of four Class A (secondary standard) pyranometers indicates the SP-510 performs similar to ISO Class B (first class) and matches Class C (second class) pyranometers.
  • The SP-510 is a cost-effective option for shortwave irradiance measurement applications that do not require an ISO classified pyranometer.
  • 用于短波辐照度测量的硅 - 细胞焦点计也是具有成本效益的选择,但它们将短波频谱分样,导致频谱随着云度而变化时出现误差。