MQ-510量子计设计用于水下PAR测量,并且已经应用了传感器的immersion effect correction factor通过固件读取仪表读数。该仪表在所有光源下提供出色的测量,包括LED。仪表由防水电缆连接到手持仪表的防水量子传感器。防水传感器采用蓝色增强型硅光电二极管和定制光学过滤器,具有带丙烯酸漫射器的坚固耐用的阳极氧化铝主体。水下量子传感器通常用于野珊瑚的盐水水族馆。注意:手持式仪表不防水,只有传感器和电缆都是防水。
仪表具有样本和日志模式,并将在Mol M中记录每日集成的总计-2D.-1。99手册measurem样本模式将记录ents. Log mode will power the meter on/off to make a measurement every 30 seconds. Every 30 minutes the meter will average the sixty 30 second measurements and record the averaged value to memory. The meter can store up to 99 averages, once full it will start to overwrite the oldest measurement with new ones. An integrated daily total will be recorded from the 48 averaged measurements (making a 24 hr period). Sample and log measurements can be reviewed on the LCD display or by downloading the data to a computer, however, the integrated daily total can only be viewed by downloading the data to a computer. Downloading data to a电脑需要这一点AC-100 communication cable(a standard USB cable will not work) andapogeeams软件。
•AC-100: Communication Cable(Required to download data to a computer)
有关Apogee全谱量子传感器的更多信息>>click here
MQ-510执行与MQ-500的完全相同的水下,但MQ-510只要将PAR读数乘以1.32以考虑浸没效果。MQ-510是全谱量子传感器(SQ / MQ-500系列),光谱范围为389至692nm±5nm,可以在下图中看到。与我们的原始模型相比,该仪表的改进频谱响应增加了LED测量的精度。
Apogee MQ-510是第一款真正水下的HOBBYISTS - Jake Adams,Reef Builders
Dana Riddle评论Apogee MQ-500量子(PAR)米 - Dana Riddle,高级Aquarist
The MQ-510 is used to measure incoming PPFD in aquatic environments.